Tuesday, February 21, 2012

weakness to strength

I’m inspired by mental retardation.  Differently abled people; they’re amazing.  I have unimaginable stories-all because I’ve worked with these angels. They really are God sent.  They’re here to teach, humble, and give us the dead honest beautiful truth. It’s gotten my "special" sister fired from her job, and put me in numerous uncomfortable situations, but I understand her well. We all want to ask polygamous people why they dress so strange and take random bites of other people’s food.
I admire the fearless. I admire the adorable Down syndrome boy at the gym, wearing headphones, and singing his bicycling heart out. I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve wanted to burst out in song while running. It would be exhilarating. Two of the most empowering phenomena’s are music and exercise. It’s like combining peanut butter and chocolate while watching the climax of a firework show. Breathtaking moments are the red diamonds of life, but don’t forget to breath; I’m told that exercise without breathing does all sorts of effed up things to your body.

It’s our damning fear and lack of motivation that holds us back. We could become anything with fearless motivation.  Every serious rock climber will hit a moment where he/she is physically stuck. It’s a frantic moment where there’s no place to grab and your body is physically rendered useless. The average person lets go and drops, but the driven will push with everything lacking, and even scream out an unattractive grunt while somehow making their body miraculously leap. It’s that same adrenaline God-given power that runs marathons and labors natural birth; it’s pure empowerment.

It’s the kind of fight I want in my life. It’s lack of fear and motivation in its finest glory.

Why am I writing this Tony Robbins blog post? Because I’m running low on spunk.  I’m a slowly deflating balloon in an all too familiar routine.

That is…until I saw the overzealous peddling Down syndrome boy I’ve named inspiration.

I now have aim and focus; I plan to arise early in the morning and make my children pink heart shaped pancakes before they’re off to school. It will be the perfect way to start my soap opera watching/ coke zero drinking days.

I don’t really watch soaps, but I could swim in the amount of coke I drink. I might as well be labeled mentally challenged with the abundant soda I consume. In my experience with differently abled people, they are unique, but one thing remains accurately constant…a love obsession for pop.

I do love soda.  I’ve also driven away with the gas tank hose mid penetration, and bought an impulsive, no good Florida vacation from a “telemarketer”.  Nobody’s perfect. We have to look optimistically at our strengths, and we all have them.

I’m amazing at peddling a bicycle.

 My hubby and Kurt. This picture makes me smile
for so many reasons.


  1. I love it! Thanks for baring your soul a little there. I feel like I know you better. You are great!

  2. "but I could swim in the amount of coke I drink"

    ^^ If there is a toxicity to drinking an inhumanely amount of diet sodas, you and I shall experience it. I hope it's not cancer. I bet it is though. I better start getting fat so I can die of a heart attack first I guess.
