Friday, February 3, 2012

Force fields

In the battle of good versus evil, our living coordinates just obtained an extraordinary advantage. It all started with a bedtime prayer of a six year old. Kid’s prayers are so honest and funny, especially when they ask for a “force field around our house that keeps out bad stuff”.
Why would God say no to that? It’s not like he’s asking for a star wars cloud car.

 With our newly, God given, secured headquarter, we’ve already won half the battle.  A stable base gives us the upper hand, allowing ambush to any lurking enemies. I’m a full time homemaking mother bird. I’ll protect the nest until my eagles take flight, and then hope I’ve taught them well.  It’s quite foolish to leave a barrier of safety, and purposely walk in harm’s way, but… so are the ways and flaws of man.  We curiously play with fire/mischievously walk into danger/intentionally explode stuff… and so it goes.  For being the planet’s highest intelligence, we can be pretty stoopid(that’s stupid in its lowest level).  I’m not necessarily complaining; it’s fun to blow stuff up…then call it a holiday. But, nothing harmful enters my home. That is my mission; that is my non- paying/ all rewarding job.  A new “force field” means less room for failure. Thank you force field.

Now I need a new doormat.  It will candidly read “welcome past the force field.” That's if you make it past. It’s a multifunctional courtesy giver/evil eliminator; cut and dry, just like that.  I’ve been sleeping alone and waking up scared ever since Dean’s been traveling.  Being raped is horrendous, but being stabbed is what tends to circle my mind the most.  I sleep closest to the door, meaning:  even if he is home, I’ll be stabbed regardless. But, if he’s present, my stratagem is to take the first blow, enabling him to get to the gun and ammo (hidden in the other room), load the gun(bullet whereabouts unsure), then finally shoot the bastard( all while in the dark). Oh, and he’s a sound sleeper/possible liar whose never even heard one of our three babies cry in the night.

It was an extremely flawed plan…until the force field. My no longer concern of a homicidal bedroom intruder allowed for a peaceful night sleep with a smile. Thank you force field.

So what’s good, and what’s evil? It’s an entertaining philosophy to dwell on, especially when you live in a morally black and white community.

Let's consider monkey's, our closest human relatives.

In India it’s illegal to kill monkeys. They are considered sacred. Consequently, they roam in packs causing madness and mayhem. Attacks happen daily.  Entrepreneurs will hang around high monkey areas, bandaging up the wounded for money. They appear cute and playful, which makes anyone smile, but a smile shows teeth, which challenges the monkey. Before you know it, a wailing hairball devil with fangs is atop of you, clawing your eyes out with his soon joining pack of ruffians. 

Monkey business means breaking in houses, stealing stuff, ransacking your garden, hanging your underwear in trees, and any other sort of molestation.

Am I saying monkeys are evil? No, that would make me insane. They are God’s creatures like you and I. Do I want to live amongst them as neighbors- no, that’s also insane. To allow them prosperity while they inflict damage and pain? Again, it’s insane. To regard these animals as sacred? Who are we to say? It’s insane to force belief on anyone.   A law being broken, and people blasting them at first sight?…

Super crazy insane.

I’ll tell you one thing that's not insane…

Force fields.

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